Anterior Knee Axial Views
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Similar to the sagittal views of the knee, the axial views, also referred to as a transverse views, can be used to visualize the knee from suprapatellar to infrapatellar areas. Again, you may see the quadriceps tendon, patellar tendon, fat pads and suprapatellar and infrapatellar joint recesses. However, now we are visualizing these structures in cross section.
Use the ultrasound images to familiarize yourself with the appearance of the relevant structures on ultrasound.
Compare ultrasound images to corresponding MRI images to orient yourself to the anatomy and become familiar with the common scanning planes for ultrasonography.
MRI and Ultrasound Images
Below you will find axial slices of a knee MRI along side a corresponding axial ultrasound image, along with illustrations of the anatomy. Scroll through the different images to familiarize yourself with how the different anatomic structures appear on both imaging modalities, and their anatomic relationships with one another.
*The ultrasound and MRI images above and below are from two different patients. You may notice some discrepancies including amount of subcutaneous tissue and fat, but the overall anatomy and locations of labelled structures is consistent.
The videos below demonstrate scrolling through the above ultrasound images and the MRI images, and you can start and stop them at your own pace.