RUQ Coronal View
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The RUQ Coronal view is the view frequently used in the FAST exam, where we can visualize the RUQ from the level of the diaphragm through the liver, and right kidney. We also often see blood vessels in the liver and sometimes the gallbladder, depending on anatomy and positioning.

Follow the arrows to see the ultrasound image window change as you scan inferiorly in a coronal plane.
In this case, we are trying to get a view of both liver and kidney, and Morrison's pouch. (At the level of the red line shown in this drawing)

Use the ultrasound images to familiarize yourself with the appearance of the relevant structures on ultrasound.
Compare ultrasound images to corresponding CT images to orient yourself to the anatomy and become familiar with the common scanning planes for ultrasonography.
CT and Ultrasound Images
Below you will find coronal slices of a CT Abdomen/Pelvis along side a corresponding coronal ultrasound image. Scroll through the different images to familiarize yourself with how the different anatomic structures appear on both imaging modalities, and their anatomic relationships with one another.
The videos below demonstrate scrolling through the above ultrasound images and the CT images, and you can start and stop them at your own pace.